Saturday, May 2, 2009

Alison Lapper Sculpture

I know what you're thinking, but no this is not Drago after he lost his fight with Rocky, let himself go, developed some nice man-tits, and lost his arms to some Soviet infection. This is a statue of Alison Lapper who is some chick that has no arms and messed up legs, but is also a mom and what not. It's a very striking work though somewhat controversial because it was place in Trafalgar Square for all of London to see. I think most people were pissed because they were like "Hey, we paid all this money for a statue and Marc Quinn (the artist) goes all cheap on us and doesn't even throw in the arms. Lazy." Well good point people of London but, hey, check out the rack. I give this work a "solid Stalin-like glare of strength"

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